Monday, May 10, 2010

20 years?
Want to know what you will look like in 20 years? This website has the ability to give you a rough estimate. The above link is what i will look like apparently. Take a look I find it kind of fun.

Time Management

Time Management

Time management is a problem that effects a lot of people. Learning the skills to stop procrastination can also seem very daunting. Some of you may want a clear definition of what procrastination is. Procrastination is when you put off things that you should be focusing on right now, usually in favor of doing something that is more enjoyable or that you’re more comfortable doing.
The first step is to figure out that your procrastinating. Ex,… Do you sit down to start a big project and instantly go off to make something to drink? Do you fill your day with low priority tasks, or nothing, from your to do list? Wait for the right mood or feeling to do high priority tasks? Say yes to unimportant tasks you’re friends want you to do?
The second step is to work out WHY your procrastinating. Does the task seem overwhelming or unpleasant? Are you unorganized? Can you just not decide what task to do?
Step 3 is to start adopting anti-procrastination strategies. Make up your own rewards, and make sure you notice how good it feels to finish things! Ask someone else to check up on you. Peer pressure works! Identify the unpleasant consequences of NOT doing the task.
If you're procrastinating because you're disorganized, here's how to get organized! Keep a To-Do list. Become a master of scheduling and project planning, so that you know when to start those all-important projects. Set yourself time-bound goals: that way, you’ll have no time for procrastination! Focus on one task at a time.
If you're putting off starting a project because you find it overwhelming, you need to take a different approach. Here are some tips. Break the project into a set of smaller, more manageable tasks. Doing small chunks of a project gives you a feeling of accomplishment and should lessen your stress. Start with some quick, small tasks if you can, even if these aren't the logical first actions. You'll feel that you're achieving things, and so perhaps the whole project won't be so overwhelming after all.
If you’re procrastinating because you find the task unpleasant. Many procrastinators overestimate the unpleasantness of a task. So give it a try! You may find that it’s not as bad as you thought! Hold the unpleasant consequences of not doing the work at the front of your mind. Reward yourself for doing the task.

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Works Cited
tips, applying the time management, and skills in this section. "Time Management - Start Here for Time Utilization, Personal Effectiveness, Time Management Skills and Work Techniques from" Mind Tools - Management Training, Leadership Training and Career Training - Right Here, Right Now.. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2010. .

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